Farm Animals

Have you ever dreamed of raising your own farm animals to have fresh eggs every day or even fresh milk? What about for meat or honey? Because of the need of housing for farm animals in Cache Valley, Cache Valley Sheds specializes in Mini Barns so that you can keep your favorite farm animals right in your own backyard. Here are four of the best animals to raise in Cache Valley:



Chickens are the most common animals that are found in your run-of-the-mill backyard. They don’t require a ton of space and will eat just about anything. This makes for an easy backyard friend for fresh eggs daily. 


Goat in Fence

Keeping goats is like owning a self sustaining lawn-mower. Goats are great for clearing brush, a meat source, or even dairy. Probably for the fresh dairy product though (let’s be honest). If you don’t have a lot of room in your backyard and want fresh dairy, a goat is the way to go.



Rabbits are a really easy animal to keep and raise. They take up very little space, but also can do wonders to your garden. They provide great fertilizer. Rabbits can also be a good meat source if you really want. They do require a hutch to live in, but really don’t require much time and energy to care for.

If you want more advice on raising rabbits, check this article, How to Raise Rabbits for Meat: A Getting Started Guide for Beginners as a good starting point.



Pigs require a little bit more room, but feeding them is easier if you have the room.  A little known fact, they actually smell less terrible than other farm animals. Obviously, pigs are great for meat.  Who doesn’t love some bacon?  They can also be used in competitions for some extra cash.

Every Farm Animal Needs A Home

Cache Valley Sheds provides the perfect home for any farm animal that you may plan to raise. Come over to our Hyde Park, Utah location and get as much information as you need. Or check out Cache Valley Sheds wide selection of Mini Barns that would meet your animals’ needs and give us a call to get you that perfect home for your new animal.