What’s Your Dream Shed?

You want your dream shed in beautiful Cache Valley? Well, we’re here to tell you it’s closer than you think.  Forget everything you know about garden sheds.  Let us show you how!  No need to redesign your shed.  Instead, redesign how you think about shed use to maximize your shed’s value.

What do you want from your shed?  A place to store garden tools?  Maybe you want a little workshop.  Do you need a place to escape from all your worries?  What if I told you that you could get all of that out of just one garden shed? We have three ideas to make the most out of your dream shed that help do just that!

Tools on the Wall

1.  Utilize The Small Space You Have

Let’s face it, sheds are small and there isn’t really a lot of room, right?  That’s the wrong way to think about it.  The trick isn’t having more space, it’s about organizing and better utilizing the space you have.

Instead of putting your tools in buckets on the floor, or worse just throwing them into the shed without another thought, put some hooks on the walls to hang your tools on. De-clutter the floor and make tools organized and easy to access at the same time!

Another quick idea is to create magnet boards on the door to stick those smaller items or tools to. For even more ideas, check out these brilliant ways to use the storage of your shed at its fullest.

2. Blend With The Landscape 

Everybody wants to put a shed in their garden.  Or do they?  What if your shed was your garden? Or even become a sort of a potting shed? This way your shed becomes the garden you are keeping your tools for anyways.

Use your surroundings to create your dream garden within or around your garden shed. Imagine, you could have a three-sided garden that wrapped around your shed, making your shed look as if it belongs in your backyard!  Use shrubberies and flowers to disguise the place where it sits on the foundation for a more natural look.  Making your shed feel like it belongs is important to aesthetic appeal.

3.  Split The Space

Everybody does gardening different, so everybody uses different tools.  If you’re one of those who have a few tools here and there, imagine splitting the space in your shed.  Make enough room on one side for your tools, lawnmower, etc. and use the other side for your own personal use. Such as a small retreat, a She-Shed, or, if you’re ambitious, a sleeping space. Use the space that you do need for your tools.  If you have room left over, then you can split your garden shed and use the excess space for your own creative space. 

Another idea to think about is what does your shed do in the winter? It sits there!  If you split the space, you have a place to put all your tools away, but still have plenty of room to use the shed for other activities.  Perhaps convert it into an office to use while you work from home.  Make your dream shed a private space to use all year long!

Dream ShedWe Are The Dreamers Of The Dreams

As the English poet, Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy once wrote, “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams…” You are the dreamer of your own garden shed. You can make it whatever you want. 

But what if you don’t have a shed? We at Cache Valley Sheds would love to help you decide which kind of garden shed would be just right for you. We can get you started creating your dream garden shed!