But It’s Winter! Why Buy A Shed Now?

Side Lofted BarnOkay, fair enough. Most people don’t buy a shed in winter. In parts of winter, that’s definitely not the best idea. Once the snow gets too deep, it’s way more effort than it’s really worth and better to just wait for spring. That said, the winter’s been fairly mild so far. The snow isn’t too deep and can be fairly easily cleared. If you wanted to buy a shed now, it’s still a good time.

If you’re not buying a shed now, but still planning on getting one, now’s the best time to think about it. See, while our top-of-the-line, engineer-certified sheds are much easier to install than it would take to build one from scratch, there’s a bit more to getting it in place than just rolling the shed in. We can do that, obviously, but if you want to get the best use out of it, there’s a bit of planning and preparation involved. So, let’s go over the steps to getting your shed put up.

Steps to Preparing For Your Shed

1. Decide On Usage

The first thing you need to do is decide what you want your shed to be used for. You might think this is obvious, but you’d be surprised. Sure, if you’re buying a shed, you probably know you have a use for one, but have you made sure of what the use actually is? From time to time, people bought sheds, only for them to become a complete mess because they didn’t decide what they wanted them for. At first, they thought it might be a place for their kids or grandkids to play, but then they found what they really needed was a place to store the outdoor toys and tools. The shed was constructed to be a play space, but it quickly filled up with a disorganized mess.

If you want to avoid this problem, make sure you decide exactly what you want it to be before you buy. Knowing what you want to use it for also helps us find the best fit for you. If you know exactly what you want to use it for, we can provide you with a host of options to make it more suitable for that, like insulation, pressure-treated flooring, ramps for vehicles, and more.

2. Check Building Codes

Every city has building codes and will require a permit to build. This applies even if we are just rolling a new building into your yard. A lot of people make mistakes in setting up their shed even if they get the permit. For example, a common mistake is putting the shed too close to someone else’s property. A lot of cities have laws requiring construction to be a certain distance from property lines. It might need to be anywhere from 5 to 15 feet away. Every city is different, though, so before you decide on a site, make sure the spot is good with the cities building codes.

3. Prepare The Site

There are a few steps to this. First, you’ve got to decide the proper space. You want some place that is at slightly higher elevation than the surrounding area to avoid water flowing towards the shed and flooding it. The space should also be as level as possible. You’ll have to level the ground anyway, but why pick a spot that makes more work for you?

Once you’ve picked the spot, you need to clear it. Move any toys, tools, or equipment away from the area so you can outline the space. Make sure you outline some extra space around it for the foundation. Generally, you’ll want at least an extra twelve inches beyond the roof on all sides. If your shed has a 10×12 floor, the foundation should be around 12×14. The extra space will keep the shed exterior clean by keeping weeds and grass from growing close to it. Speaking of weeds, don’t forget to put down landscape fabric on the spot you intend to put it, especially if you’re using gravel to as part of your foundation. This will keep weeds from sprouting up beneath your shed.

4. Build the Foundation

Once you’ve prepped the site, you’ll need to build the foundation. This is the step where you’ll level the ground. If you selected a spot that was already pretty level, this will be much easier. Once you’ve leveled the ground, you install the foundation. Concrete is the go-to foundation material, which is the method we prefer.  Gravel foundations are also possible.  With pressure-treated flooring, we can make it even sturdier, as long as the ground is level.

If you do go for gravel foundation, make sure you include a perimeter. This is a common mistake DIYers make when building the foundation. Without the perimeter, the gravel just rolls away when the wind blows, or when people walk on it. This destabilizes the foundation on top of spreading rocks all over your yard.

5. Bring In The Shed

delivering the shedHere’s where you’d actually build the shed, but since we sell them pre-built, we just have to bring them in. We’ll get the shed into place, stabilize it, and make sure everything is ready to go. You won’t have to worry about a thing.

6. Finishing Touches

You could call it done as soon as the shed is put in place, but if you really want it to be a valuable addition to your home, you want to add some finishing touches. Maybe you want to set up a small garden around it, or maybe decorate it with some lawn-ornaments to express yourself. Depending on the intended use of the shed, you can add touches to the interior to make it even more suitable for it’s use. A shed needs to look good as well as be functional if you want it to add value to your home. Seek some landscaping advice for how to make your shed really belong to your property, rather than just be there.

Sheds Are Our Business

Here at Cache Valley Sheds, sheds are (obviously) our business. If you’re looking to buy, we can get you the highest quality designs made from only the highest quality materials. When you know what you want, we can help you find the best shed for your needs. If you’re not sure, we can help you figure out what it is you really need out of your shed. Even if you’re not looking to buy right now, we can help you get ready for it.  Come Talk to us today and we can get it all planned out ahead of time so you don’t have to waste a moment once spring comes to start building.

And if you are looking to buy right now, there’s still a little time. The Cache Valley winter hasn’t hit a point where the snow and the cold have made it completely impossible to install one. If you’re certain of what you want and ready to get it installed now, call today and see how we can help you do just that. If you’re just thinking about the future, then you can still get in touch with us. We’re ready to help you with any part of the shed building process.